About Us

Searching for Great Talent

Founder & President of RiverView Personnel, Greg Wickner, has been passionate about the talent search business for more than 25 years. He came to strongly believe that the professionals you have working for you will ultimately determine your business’s success.
During his career, Greg has served as Executive Vice President and National Recruiter for some of the most well-known national search companies. He has a 25-year proven track record for rapid turnaround on filling existing positions as well as ramping up new hires for start-up opportunities. Not only has he hired, trained, supervised, mentored and motivated all personnel, but he has also helped companies increase market share against local and national competitors through strategic growth and sales. Greg’s fields of expertise include Partner level attorney placement and firm mergers, Information Technology, Finance and Accounting, Scientific, Manufacturing, Administrative Support, Legal, and Transportation.
At the end of the day, the most important factor in the success of any company is the quality of its employees and how that quality will help meet your company’s financial goals.
Read more about Greg on LinkedIn.